The portrait of a Man

A lot has been touted about the beauty of a woman. Sonnets have been sung, poems have been written, entire pieces dedicated to her praise.
But I invite you, dear reader, to accompany me as I paint you a tantalising picture of a man.

In my humble opinion, a man exudes as much beauty and grace as a woman. They are equally vain creatures as the gentler sex.

Have you ever observed a man busy at work?
His browser are furrowed. He is lost, oblivious to the world. Maybe his shoulders are slumped forward. There appear various expressions on his face. You’d see curiosity, displeasure, smugness, anger, distaste, happiness.
His eyes would shimmer as he completes the task he had embarked on. I find the quiet furtiveness with which he works rather attractive. If he is laboring with physical work, observe how he moves. He moves with a quiet grace or maybe with a rambling surefootedness. There is a poetic beauty associated with how he conducts himself, how his muscles ripple, how he heaves and sighs as he completes a physically arduous task. How he employees himself with rigour and passion. How he accomplishes his task, not seeking validation, but internally gloating about a job well done.

Have you ever seen a man shouted at?
Do you register the look of utter bewilderment on his face as he is berated? You can see guilt, shame or perhaps that of realisation washing over his face right after he is given a washing down.
The look of sweet innocence borne from a complete lack of realisation. The look of rejection. It is sad!
He tries to hold his head high, sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he fails. But what is commendable is that he tries!
It takes a while for him to believe in himself again. He chides himself. His sense of identity, unfortunately, is the sum total of his surroundings. Such mistakes are unforgiveable!

When you find a man in this state, I implore of you – hug him. Press your lips against his forhead. Tell him it happens to the best of us. He will smile and laugh it off, he might not entertain the hug. His expression may seem stoic or nonchalant. But believe you me, he secretly needs it. He needs that hug. That appreciation. He needs to feel capable again!

Next time you see a man interact with children, pay close attention. There is bountiless love and adoration for the little ones. Observe how he plays with them, teaches them and guides them with what can only be described as an ocean of patience. Mind you, this is the same man who might strike down a serving of steak if it isn’t ‘medium rare’.

With the older children, he is harsh, he is firm. He can get nasty with them. But he does this with a sound motive. He takes it upon himself to raise them into good beings. He can be unforgiving in the process. Sometimes he also sits back and let’s them stumble. Because he also wants to teach them how to regain their footing after a bad fall.
When the child reaches adulthood – he let’s go of the reins. He has done his bit, now it is upto the young adult to do as they please. He is there, for when they need him. But for the most part, he sits back to enjoy the fruits of his efforts, to observe his handiwork.

Now let us talk about a man in love. Aah, a man in love. He is a lost cause!
He is experiencing a beautiful emotion, one that he is not adept at processing. Depending on his bond with his amor, he can either behave like a fiery and unruly tempest or like an exceptionally calm summer days sea. Look carefully at him, as he gazes at his love interest. He does it with a devotion unparalleled. He stares at them with a deep longing!
When they bestow him with even a fleeting glance, his heart skips a beat, he is filled with hope!
If ever their hand were to gently graze over his, even by accident, he would remember the touch for days to come.
Look at him, as he proudly takes long strides with his amor besides him. Look at how his face lights up, when they turn to him to talk. He would gladly bend over backwards for them. He can fight and even win the most impossible of battles with his amor kissing him and waving him goodbye as he enters the battlefield. They are his one true weakness!

A man is a complicated creature, my dear readers. He appears simple and mysterious. But don’t let that fool you. He is noble, he is magnificent. He is the eye of the hurricane, the calm epicentre of a storm, a force to be reckoned with!

(An ode to my father, for his bountiless love.  Also to all the wonderful men I’ve had the good fortune of crossing paths with!)

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