G’s betrayal

Gabriel stared at the blue mass, just yonder. The mass speckled with spots of green. This was the mass that Gabriel’s boss was obsessed with nowadays. He too was rather invested in it, afterall, his appraisal was highly dependent on it.

Gabriel donned a pure white suit and carried a tan briefcase. His immaculately polished shoes shone bright, perfectly complimenting his silverish blonde hair. His longish hair was styled sleekly, swept back, reaching the nape of his neck.

Gabriel was Cosmos Inc’s. Star performer. He was one of the oldest employees known to enjoy a direct relationship with the boss, Monsieur Gaudé – a French man. Like all French men, he had his peculiarities. He was a temperamental genius. The prototype mad scientist. Be spectacled and ever elusive. Gabriel had gone through great pains to gain favour with his superior. He had learnt about his likes and dislikes. Even picked up French (which mind you, was a difficult task for the proud englishman he was). He stood firmly in front of the raging tantrums that Monsieur Gaudé threw at him. Sometimes purposely  sometimes not quite.

Gabriel has been tested time and again. Which is why she rose up in the ranks, slowly but steadily. He had reached a point of extreme authority (or so he thought) with Monsieur Gaudé and enjoyed the privilege of being his most trusted advisor (atleast that is what he was told).

Gabriel continued gazing at the blue mass with pride. He had been the joint architect for Project E. It was Monsieur Gaudés pet project. And Project H was the piece de resistance that he wasn’t directly involved with, but he most certainly helped influence.

Unfortunately , the primary attendant on th Project H case had been dismissed rather unceremoniously. It had been a rather hush-hush affair and not even Gabriel had been privy to the details of the departure. Rumour had it that a disagreement between Lucifer (the primary) and Monsieur Gaudé regarding the project, had resulted in Lucifer being sacked.

Apparently he had joined a rival organisation and by the looks of it, was breaking bank there!

There was a big meeting today. Board room level. All the stakeholders were to be part of it. It was to do with Project H. The project was in a crisis and there were talks that it had something to do with Lucifers current employer. Gabriel was confident that he would be asked to take over as the primary to avoid jeopardising the undertaking . He would be tasked with delivering favorable results.

He strutted into the boardroom with confidence. To his utter dismay, he say Monsieur Gaudés son presiding over the meeting.

Immanuel Gaudé was a quiet classy man. Today he had decided to show up as usual in his white linen suit and open toed reed sandals. His long shoulder length hair was left astray. It was his trademark style.

The meeting was long and harrowing. A dejected Gabriel walked out of the room. He was in a daze. It had been decided, that Immanuel would take over the Project H fiasco. Gabriel had no say in the matter. This entire situation reeked of nepotism!

Instead of heading home, Gabriel alighted at the steps of the only pub he knew. It was a dinghy place, sparsely lit and furnished. It also doubled up as a shady motel. The kind where crime was planned, where the destitute seeked shelter, where notorious activity was conducted, where unwed mothers came to give birth.

The bartenders countenance was a stark contrast to this establishment.

Nicholas or Nick as he was commonly called, was a large, pot bellied man with a perpetual twinkle in his eye and a kindly smile on his face. He was rather old and wore his long white hair long. His curly beard was a sight to behold and people came from far and wide to gaze at it!

Nick seated Gabriel at the bar. He watched him pour out a cold beer for his hitherto lone patron. From his spot, he could see Nicks animals. Yes, crazy Nick kept a dozen oddly shaped reindeer, in a stable constructed besides the bar. No one understood why, but he did.

Gabriel began sipping his drink and watched as Nicks red frame hobbled to the stable. It was feeding time.

A few more moments passed. Gabriel began reading the news. He found an article on Lucifer. He read it with a mild annoyance. Apparently he was doing really well at SinErgy Co. He saw the photograph accompanying the article. A beaming Lucifer was shaking hands with the CEO of SinEnergy Co – a certain Mr. D’ville

For the first time in his life, Gabriel felt an intense surge of envy. He froze. It was a foreign feeling for him. As he let the new emotion wash over him, and tried to make sense of it, he noticed his hands shaking. His face had turned the same crimson as Nicks signature red apron. His feet felt fidgety and suddenly he wished to punch someone.

What had he sacrificed his life for? What had he received in return? Why was he suddenly filled with this intense hatred for Monsieur Gaudé? He gulped down his beer, in a desperate attempt to calm himself.

He thought about his childhood sweetheart, and how he had forsaken a happy marriage with her, just so that he could apply himself to his profession.

He thought about the lovely Madame Gaudé (née Lillete). The marriage had been an unhappy one. It came as no surprise that she had found respite in the arms of a much younger chap. Once the scandal had been discovered, she had been dishonourably divorced. And no one knew about her whereabouts ever since. Immanuel had not known his mother for most of his life. He had only a father, as far as he was concerned.

Gabriel stewed in the frenzy for a couple more minutes. He needed to make a decision, quickly.

He sat there, pondering. For another 2 hours.

Finally, he did the unthinkable. He paid for his drink, walked out to the pavement and made a beeline to a nearby deserted phone booth. He whipped out his cellphone and searched for the number he was looking for. He dialled onto the phone booth and waited for the line to ring. All while glancing furtively at the streets. He didn’t want to be noticed!

As he waited for the call to be received, thoughts of malice, envy, pride and a lust for power gushed forth into his being. His hitherto calm countenance turned into an ugly sneer as his mind started cooking up a diabolical plan.

After what seemed like an eternity, he heard someone at the other end of the call.

“Hello?”, enquired a gentle, almost intoxicating voice.

“Hello….umm….hi…its well, me….its…..”

“Aah Gabriel, my dear brother. I was hoping you’d call!”

They exchanged pleasantries for a bit. It had been a while since Gabriel had spoken to his estranged brother.

The family had ostracized Lucifer from their folds, after the scandal at work. Gabriel had been the first to cut him off. But now, Gabriel was second guessing his earlier decision.

After a while, Gabriel got straight to the point. Lucifer heard him out patiently. He was happy to hear from his brother. After all, he did miss his family!

Lucifer heard his younger sibling pour his heart out to him. Patience had always been an attribute of his. He had always doted upon his younger, firebrand brother. Secretly, he was glad to hear the conundrum his brother faced. He knew, sooner or later, this day would come!

Gabriel laid down his detailed plan to Lucifer. Lucifer was acquiescent to his plan and was willing to help.

After the call, Gabriel went home. He packed up all his belongings and the following morning had disappeared.

Within, a year, he became a boardroom director at SinEnergy Co. All was good.

Mr. D’ville had won, yet again!

(I have always been fascinated by biblical allusions. Much to my devout catholic mothers chagrin. I’ve always tried to twist biblical allusion, to play the devils advocate and bring some fresh perspective to the table. I do this, to question my beliefs about good and evil. And to examine what separates the two. Its an interesting conundrum and one that I shall wish to think about further. Hidden in my work is also a reference of my favourite sitcom. Brownie point for guessing it correctly!)

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