The Fisherwoman
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Just the other day, I visited the fishmongers. Needless to say, it had been a very messy business. As I walked through tiny alleyways, I saw a plump fisherwoman haggle…
Nostalgia : The art of yearning
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As I sit here, in the confines of my room, busy as a scribe, I write this article. It isn’t an article, nay; in fact, this is a letter from…
A Rite of Passage (an excerpt)
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Sultana Bibi looked the girl up and down. She was pleasant to look at, with fair skin and thick, long hair. But she didn’t have it in her. She shook…
The portrait of a Man
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A lot has been touted about the beauty of a woman. Sonnets have been sung, poems have been written, entire pieces dedicated to her praise.But I invite you, dear reader,…
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I rapped my knuckles on the table. My mind was going places, it shouldn’t. I felt the familiar tug of the great outdoors beckon me once again. I knew, with…
Musings of a Soul – From the debris of experience
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MaybeJust maybeI do not yearnForThe limelight I yearnInsteadFor OblivionAFaceless existence To disappearAmongstThe massesIntoThe crowdThe crowd of faces For I am afraidOfWho I amAnd I wish notTo beWhat I have become…